When will be delivered?

Time is the most important

Normally, orders need to be made at least 48 hours before delivery. We need time to prepare the freshest flower and the delivery arrangement.
However, we also accept same-day orders in urgent cases.

Same-day orders need to be arranged at least 4-5 hours in advance(need to contact us before ordering, it should be better if the delivery location is near our shops). if you need to deliver before 8 pm on the same day, it is better to order before noon and contact us in advance.

Moreover, because the flower materials generally need to be prepared for two days, same-day orders may not be able to find the corresponding flowers, so they may not be fresh and of the best quality. The earlier the floral products are ordered, the fresher the flowers available on the market will be. So we recommend that guests order as soon as possible. Especially those flowers imported from foreign countries such as the Netherlands/ Kenya will need to be ordered at least 3-5 days in advance.

For more detail about delivery, please check our shipment page.

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